The copious amounts of homework assigned these days can become overwhelming for our children. We have decided to develop a list of 10 techniques that can be used in order to relieve some of the stress and worries that come with large amounts of homework.

  1. Use sensory & motor techniques – this is very helpful in aiding fidgety learners helping them to focus and avoid distractions. A stress ball or a fidget spinner are great ways to help calm and organise the nervous system allowing them to focus on their homework.
  2. Use a timer  this is in order to give a realistic time period and give them time challenges, “How much can you get done in 30 minutes?”, effectively turning their learning into a game.
  3. Ensure that you are available to help this is in order to help them overcome problems faced during their homework. This will build resilience and will stop them from giving up. Don’t do the homework for them but be there to cajole, encourage and give positive feedback.
  4. Rewards are made immediate it is also a good incentive to make rewards immediate after a homework task is completed. Once a homework task is completed it gives the child some free time to go for a bike ride or play a game of their choice.  
  5. Talk to their teacher if the homework task is taking too long it is recommended that you seek advice from a tutor or teacher as to find out the required time for the task. If the time it takes is unrealistic you can then ask for reduced time to help your child complete the task and then gradually increase the tasks.
  6. No social media  social media can be a great time killer if used inappropriately, so no texting, Snapchatting or Instagramming!
  7. No multitasking – your child should work on one subject at a time starting with the hardest subject first!
  8. Get a tutor who is a qualified teacher – you may think your child does not need a tutor but we assure you getting someone else who is qualified to teach will help your child to improve drastically. It will be different to a Mum or Dad who may get distracted and let them slip off task.
  9. Breaks are important – children need some downtime after school so a healthy snack is a good way to help relax them and get into the right frame of mind. We would also recommend that they should get the work done earlier rather than later so that more time is available to take effective breaks.
  10. Space – an effective learning space with no distractions will help immensely, a good method to help relax them is for them to listen to relaxing music.