Growth Mindset in Ashford Kent

Growth mindset is something that all parents and children need to embrace. Have you ever thought about how your mind works and if you or your child has a particular type of mind. There is research which suggests that there are two types of minds and it is possible to change how the mind works.

A mindset is simply a belief – a belief about yourself and your most basic qualities like ability, faith (or lack of it), personality, political views, talents, etc.

People with fixed mindsets believe that basic qualities like intelligence are essentially stable: they don’t change much over time.

People with growth mindsets believe that these qualities are, well, growable: they are liable to change and can grow in certain circumstances.

Mindsets really, really matter.

In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great achievement . Virtually all great people have had these qualities.

Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. It improves relationships. For those with growth mindsets, challenges are ideal opportunities – a chance to extend their knowledge and skills beyond their current levels. When children learn that sticking at tough, challenging tasks leads to changes to their brains that make them smarter, we have a way of disrupting fixed mindsets and reinforcing growth mindsets.

There are many personalities in the world who believe that you need to challenge yourself so that you step outside of your comfort zone. It does take a brave person to take that step but once we take this step it then becomes second nature to take that risk. Michael Phelps has won 22 Olympic medals and he says that he needs to train seven days a week which is one more day per week than his competitors. When asked why he does not rest his response was that he would have fifty two days extra training in each year and over four years he would have over two hundred days training more than his opponents.